I'm a creative and innovative developer specializing in building exceptional digital experiences and accessible, human-centered products. I'm quietly confident, naturally curious, and perpetually working on improving my chops one design problem at a time. I use the latest technologies and modern frameworks to bring my ideas to life with code.
Software developer at Monitor ERP System
(2020 - Present)
Developer of Monitor G5. I work closely with other team members to plan, design and develop robust solutions in a timely manner. I also provided mentoring to new junior developers within our team.
Computer Engineering at University of Gävle
(2017 - 2020)
This education provided a broad knowledge in everything from computer systems and software development to problem formulation and agile project management.
The web is ever expanding. Are you in the need of a solid, modern and user-friendly website?
Does your product need an app for smartphones? Or maybe you have a killer-app idea?
Do you have an awesome idea for a game but lack the time or technical experience to create it?
If you feel like you need to ask me something about what I do, what I can do, what my favourite color is or questions of the like, don't hesitate to contact me. Fill out the form below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.